Senior Year Personal Photography Portfolio

During my senior year of high school, I decided to take photography classes in hopes to add photo taking and photo editing to my skillset. The two major projects assigned during this class were to prepare and curate portfolios showcasing our creativity and technical prowess regarding photo editing and handling photography gear. It also allowed us to have a greater understanding of concepts such as framing, lighting, and colors.

Throughout the span of my senior year, I went out and took pictures at any opportunity I could. I was also able to edit and curate these photos, both at home and on-site. At the end of the class, the teacher had us print out our pictures in order to display them during a school event during the evening. During this event, we were able to advertise and sell our pictures to attendees and parents. My class raised a modest amount of money, but we took our printed pictures home and gifted them to our friends, families, and teachers.

Working on this portfolio helped me become more comfortable with expressing myself, as well as giving me more confidence in the things I create. Furthermore, I gained a better understanding of the process of photo production, especially with how I would have to sort through and edit the pictures taken. I was able to develop my own style and workflow, especially with how my photography teacher gave us the mindset that we are working for a client.

You may view my photography portfolio, which includes pictures used in my Senior Year Portfolio and pictures taken afterwards, here.